Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Time to work on the boat and my body

Moving on to a 30 yr old sailboat was easy. . .updating a 30 yr old sailboat is about as easy as transforming your land body into a boat body.There is only so much you can do with what you are given to work with. My job on the boat is the interior, it needs to be a cozy home and functional, my body needs to functional also. . . I am tired of a different body muscle hurting each week. You don't realise the smaller spaces and small stairways take a toll on your muscles. I am going to be starting with a bare boat as far as cushions, everything except boating needs are off the boat and in this little apt. for the Winter. I will be searching every site I can for decorating tips and merchandise. My goal by June is to have a new interior on the boat as well as a body free of aches and pains. . .

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